
  • 展覽會期間出售之減價貨品 (包括陳列品) 恕不退換。
  • 如已購買的產品因缺貨或其他原因不能送達,客人可換購同等價值的貨品,恕不退款。
  • 展覽會期間所有已收取之送貨費如有任何更改或取消恕不退款。
  • 單據可能褪色,有需要請自行影印。
  • 有關產品的退換查詢,必須於收貨後7天內提出,逾時恕不受理。查詢可電郵cs@eugenebaby.com 或致電 (852) 2811 4522
  • 荷花親子保留隨時更改使用條款及細則之權利,而不會作另行通知。如有任何爭議,荷花親子保留最終決定權。

【Expo Shopping Guidelines, Terms and Conditions】

  • No exchange or refund for all sales items (including display items) sold in the Expo.
  • If purchased items cannot be delivered due to out of stock or any other reasons, customers can exchange for other items with equal value, no refund will be offered.
  • Delivery fees collected during the Expo will not be refunded for any order exchange or cancellations.
  • Receipt's printing may fade out, please make photocopies if necessary.
  • Any request regarding order return or exchange must be made within 7 days after receiving the goods, or else requests will not be accepted.
  • Enquiry: cs@eugenebaby.com (852) 2811 4522
  • EugeneBaby reserves the right to modify the terms and conditions any time without prior notice. In the event of any dispute, EugeneBaby reserves the right for the final decisions.